It has become increasingly important for the sports world to obtain revenues though sponsorships and other forms of co-operation agreement in a time, where public funds and additional sources of income may be declining.

At the same time, it has not become easier – as many are seeking the favors of potential sponsors.

Pictures, names, logos and trademarks are being used frequently all the time on numerous traditional and electronic platforms, not least on social medias and often without any payments.

If a sponsor is asked to pay for the exclusive use to such image or IP rights, these rights will have to be clearly defined and diligently protected. Especially within the area of digital rights usage, there has been an explosive development over the last 10 years, which has made the legal position very precarious.

Due to the great passion of sports fans, and amongst the general public as well, many Danish and foreign businesses are still interested in using the goodwill of the sports in their PR and marketing.

But for all parties involved it is very important that the right strategy and considerations go into the successful sponsorship.

I have written the leading legal textbook on “Sponsorships” in Denmark and is considered as one of the leading legal scholars when it comes to drafting complex sponsorship agreements. I will be able to assist both Danish and international businesses, federations, clubs and athletes in all legal and commercial aspects of entering into a successful sponsorship agreement.