Legal and strategic advice to the sports world


My name is Lars Halgreen and over the past 25 years I have rendered legal advice om international sports law matters to sports federations, clubs, athletes, players and sponsors and has thus a unique insight into the legal framework of sport both in Denmark, the EU and the USA.

I have a vast experience adjudicating legal matters in sports, as I have participated in almost 100 cases as an arbitrator in the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland since 2004.

In CAS I have been appointed as arbitrator both on the General List and the Football List.

In September 2023, I have been appointed to the Arbitration Panel of the Professional Fighters' League (PFL) in the US which handles all doping disputes according to an agreement with USADA.

As the first scholar in the Nordic countries, I wrote in 2003 a PhD thesis comparing the European Model of Sport with the American Sport system.

Over the years, I have been the author of many books and articles on sports law issues, and I have for 20 years been teaching Danish and International Sport law in Denmark and abroad.

For 25 years I have been married to my wife, Birgitte. We have two adult children and our black Labrador, Jackson (who is the third child of the family)


If you are in need of expert advice or sparring on any sports law matter in an increasingly more complex world of sport, where the rules are both national, regional and global, please contact me. I will also be able to facilitate contact to excellent colleagues and arbitrators throughout Europe and the USA.



Legal and strategic advice on all international aspects of sport.


  • Contracts
  • Dispute resolution
  • E-sport
  • Sponsorship agreements
  • Legal advice
  • Sports contracts


Dansk og International Sportsret

3.edition 2021

The basic idea behind this book is that sportslaw is not only a national legal disciplin, but that an international, even global, approach is nessesary for anybodý involved with modern sportslaw. (only Danish version)

European Sports Law

3. edition 2024 - NEW

European Sports Law - A Comparative Analysis of the European and American Models of Sport" is a comprehensive comparative analysis of the most important legal issues that dominate professional European sport.

Sports law in Denmark

2. edition 2020

The book describes and discusses both state-created rules and autonomous self-regulation regarding the variety of economic, social, commercial, cultural and political aspects of sports activities

Contact us